Dont beat yourself up over not settling for less
In life often we tend to develop habits that make us wonder if this is who we really are. Lets face it,we have virtues and vices cause nobody is perfect and if someone tells you otherwise, they are lying... big time.But above all that you may be ,let's say you dont want to settle for less and you are very ambitious.The most successful people, made it big because they were not comfortable where they were before.And I am here to tell you, that is what you should do.
Im here to tell you thats just normal, and you should embrace those ideals.Take it from a guy such as myself, i
had a typical 9-5 sh&tty job which I absolute hated. And at the time it was okay, i needed money and i was in school, for what its worth, but I dreaded being there.Every single day, minute, and second I wanted to be somewhere else doing something i enjoyed and was passionate about. And it's then when i moved on to bigger and better things.Even when I had a good career at a government facility taking calls from customers and hearing them out on their problem.That was a great job, it truly was, but it wasn't my cup of coffee.
And its alright, if you are in the same boat.And who cares what others say if you should be there or how you should live your life.They have a life of their own and so do you, so stop worrying about what other people think.If you are in a high paying job/career and you find its not what you really wanted.Hey, sometimes a little changes can be a big one to you.And there ain't no such thing as little changes when it comes to the game of life.
So don't settle for less, better yet never settle for less.Cause you only live once, and you should strive to succeed and be overjoyed and do what you know you should be doing for the rest of your life.And sometimes that's what we need in order to do better for ourselves.Even some of the most famous celebs that ever walked the earth have had it tough.But they decided that the wasn't gonna be the end of their story and went far very far by keeping their dream alive.
So if you don't like where you are at now, don't worry just be mentality disciplined that your situation is just temporary.I am sure most of you are familiar with sylvester stallones inspirational success's story.How he was living on the streets and even had to end up selling his dog whom he loved so much.Got inspired by the boxing match between Muhammad Ali vs. chuck Wepner then wrote the script for Rocky within 20 hours. And how no matter how much they would offer him ( 250,00 / 350,000) he wouldnt agree cause he wanted to star in the movie himself as the main lead.So just like Stallone did not settle for less, you should not does so either.Hey, and take it from his story, he accepted 35,000 and appeared as the main leading character and the rest is history.Take it from his situation he did not settle for less and got more way more than he could ever imagined.
Thats just the way life is.And you should be ready to not be comfortable in any position or situation that you may be in.Ive known people that are who they are know, because they went and did more with their life than they every thought possible.Sure it took them some time to realize what they really wanted.And they knew then change was necessary. So just like that be ready to take action and then realize it. Just like the saying goes "all progress takes place outside the comfort zone".
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