How to deal with toxic individuals

In life we encounter certain individuals whether being at work or in your daily life that make us sick.And truth be told these individuals are toxic, two-faced and the equivalent of a blabbermouth.And more often than not we don't get along with them because we are not  frogs from the same pond.We aspire to great and bigger things in life, and that's why i am here to tell you not to listen to those schmucks and "know it alls".I am sure you know at least one person that makes you grind your gears and act so difficult to coexist with them.Whether being a family member, a so-called friend,or jealous neighbor.

Diminish their way of thinking by ignoring what they have to say.Unless they've gone too far and it's time to put them in their place( non violent way unless).These type of people don't want to see you succeed,they want to see you fail.Try only to fail and give up miserably,all the while they are laughing in the corner.And I know what other guys might say ignore them "a lion doesn't concern himself with sheep" or " as long if I'm happy that's all that matters". That's great and everything but sometimes you have to show them who is boss.Show them who is on top, and who doesn't matter.And then you can let them eat their words and phrases.

They are afraid of the unknown or bitter at the thought of seeing you climb the ladder a different method.They are afraid of seeing you take a different route and succeed.Sometimes these people disguise themselves as friends to talk you out of following your dream.As we all know there is no right or wrong way to live your life and make a living with what you do.Some people have made in the damnest of ways. How many times have we not seen incredible stories on the news or on social media and how good someone made it doing whatever.Thats why it's your choice to do whatever makes you happy(as long as it's good).

Temporary ways to counter 

  • Ignoring them- as mentioned before, this is a temporary method because not all individuals will stop.In addition they  will continue to push you until you do something.
  • Intimidating in a non violent or violent way. If possible you can do this by standing up for yourself and letting them know what's up.Growing up it was survival of the fittest and if we had a problem or anyone had a problem with you.You jus took it outside.You either whoop somebody's ass or they whoop yours, as simple as that ,like real men do it.Now a days it ain't like the good ol' times & that's why their is so many issues with today's youth.They choose to shoot up a place of learning.killing innocent youths and paraprofessionals and that is just terrible and awful in so many ways.
  •  way iI

Helpful methods 

In addition to the tips that I just gave , I find it quite helpful to avoid the bs by using other methods.Such as the case of using mantras for your benefits.Mantras in Hinduism and Buddhism are chants or sounds that when repeated can work at the core or cellular level.And if you do not believe me give it a try.There are numerous vast amount of mantras that aid with whatever your obstacle or dilemma might be.And if chanting aloud or meditation is not your thing, don't sweat it.They can work just by playing them in your home or office.I suggest looking up Dyaanguru on youtube he has plenty among plenty of mantras & he has helped many people across the world.I hear a powerful one,that i play at night before i go to bed or in the morning for power and protection.It is called the durga mantra and it helps remove negative forces, vibes, and people from your life.This includes those type of people and well it does help.And i am a somewhat spiritual individual and i embrace it.

What else works 

I do not tolerate bs, and I do not like false people.They show you who you are and you show them who you are.That's what defines a real man in all its essence. Streaking by what it means to be a true guy.And all that makes you be the person you want to be. Keep in it real 

You know in my earlier days I had met a colleague of mine that took it upon himself to make a change.And other colleagues would always turn down his thoughts and ideas alike.I was one of the few that would tell him to continue that path and he would and he did.And now so many moons later you see what he has done. 

So just like that do what makes you happy and continue down your road.And prove the people wrong with positive results and a strong will to succeed.


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