How to reprogram your mind
Changes occur everywhere and people change, sometimes for better, or worse.Although We all would want to avoid the latter at all cost and how can one achieve that?well simply put we have to change the way we think.Wayne Dyer says "if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change".So reprogramming your mind is optimal & doing so can make you achieve a better version of yourself.Whatever the case may be, let's say if you want to get a higher paying job, or would like to ask that girl out but are afraid she is gonna say no.Or would love to obtaining that car you've always wanted you have to reprogram your mind into doing so.
Here is how to do it
Use self affirmations daily
Okay so I've personally done self affirmations daily and let me tell you it works amazingly.Okay so what you want to do is Once you wake up in the morning head on to a mirror & say affirmation/S. For example you can say something like, "I am wealthy" or "I am talented & I know it".I would say for about at least 10-15 minutes every day to when you wake up.The way this works is you are progressively using repetition & it is working at the core level to reprogram your mind & turn what you are saying into a reality.sweet isn't it? I would advise getting into the habit of doing this daily in the morning before you head out and go about your day.Implement this and you should see some great changes for the better.
Write down your goals
Whether your goals are monthly, yearly, or withing various years right them down.Doing this will ensure you see the big picture and are able to write down and read what your goals are.Think of it like this It is as if you accumulate points towards a reward,& the reward is that beautiful girl you've always wanted to date.She is already waiting for you on the other side & guess who is with her?it's you.What I'm getting at is that you already have that you just need to make it happen by taking action & working towards that desire.And it does not matter how selfish,or irrational that desire might be it's your desire and that is all that matters.There is no need to beat yourself up for thinking the way you do.
Read books
Reading books is a valuable resource that is always there for everyone who wants to learn.Books can teach so many different stuff.Highly intellectual individuals read every single day.You read , you learn, you know it is a simple concept to understand. Who wouldn't want to be that fellow that has the solutions to everyday problems right. Like one of my personal favorite characters from Game of thrones.Im talking about none other than "the imp" Tyrion Lannister with his tactical plans and rich knowledge of many a great things.He drinks and he knows things.If you ask me that sounds like a badass character.But much like Tyrion the key to knowing things is to hit the books and read about what you are passionate about or even have a passive interest in.You'd be amazed at what your next hobby can become.
Exercise daily
Exercising keeps you in the zone & makes you gain higher concentration.When you workout whether it being running or lifting weights you develop an intense focus on that workout.It is extremely beneficial to your health & mind so if you think about it is a win,win for you.
Take supplements
One supplements that I found work really well is gorilla mind rush.According to Gll "it keeps you insanely focused and motivated for hours"and let me tell you they mean it.I have personally tried it and it has helped me greatly with my focus, energy, and overall sense of well being.Gll also states that it has an insanely lasting focused with controlled energy without the jittery effects of anxiety.Here is the link if you would like to check out the full review
Much like other tendencies some habits are hard to break,but with mind programming you can kiss those old habits goodbye and develop really good habits instead.Bring out the best version of yourself and you will be able to see yourself in a new light altogether.Focus on you and incorporate these ways to see awesome results that can help anyone.I have seen these changes with myself particularly & everyday I get things done as it should be & reached my goals.You can achieve whatever goal you have in mind and work towards fulfilling that goal, be level headed and use these to your up most benefit.
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