What I am reading

If anybody was wondering what resources I have been using lately,they can take a closer look at the books I'm gonna mention in this article.So whip out a paper and pen and jot down some useful notes.As you may know I approve of books and in the men's lifestyle industry they are an immense help for certain problems fellow men face such as self improvement for any area that your life may need.Whether it being dating, motivation, or starting your own business.We have all struggles that we face in our daily lives and we try desperately to look for solutions to those problems.Although we might want a "quick fix" for our problems, the fact of the matter is most problems we have dont have a quick fix switch.You have to progressively improve and work your way up the ladder till you achieve your goal.Whether it being short or long term goal or maybe even goals this is what many men tend to focus to gain lives steady benefits.

You are a badass 
This is not your average typical motivational book, it is a great read that author Jen sincero works with.She "cuts the crap" and means business by it.I just recently sat down and have read most of it.And although it might not be for everyone,it definitely gives you insights on how to get motivated.And methods that are proven to work for example meditation and self affirmations.Which I approve of and can rally change your life.The book also offers multiple inspirational quotes from different influential people in time.I do not know much about the author but I can say she is a badass lady & knows what she is talking about.I will also be doing a full review once I am finished with it.

The millionaire booklet by grant cardone 
This is a very short book which can be compared more to a long pamphlet instead of an actual book.Grants ideas and themes in this book can be life changing yet keeping it really all the way.Although being completely doubtful about it, I say it's  a must read for any aspiring businessman or entrepreneur.It works by changing your thought process and can take you on a long journey.My worldview has changed indescribably and this book helps you to get wealthy and think differently.

As Aman thinketh by James Allen can be described as uplifting.It is another fairly short book but with alot of meaning behind it.Has principles of faith and positive thinking elements that can transform someone's entire life.As a man thinketh goes in depth with how the mind can affect your entire body and spirit.It is just like the saying goes "mind over matter" and I can really appreciate that.Very powerful book that defines our human existence, and can transmute your will so it can become a reality.And above all it is such a significantly essential book that everyone can relate to.

This is the definite guide on how to sell as a businessman.It will teach you how to sell all around you,which means not only it will make you proficient at at the sell game but give you insights on many numerous things.Very good material to read from a trusted source and author.And as we know it will Freeman knows what he talks about and gives you many benefits to reading this educational book.I will also be doing a full review on How to sell. Envision yourself at the top and you will do just that & what better way to do than with knowledge,hey after all knowledge is power.

As you know , there is many resources that we use to create our reality.Just today an old friend that works as a college professor was telling me," ah, it really is not like it use to be". It took me a second to grasp what he was talking about but then I replied," what are you getting at mark".He elaborated by saying, "most of my students(if not all) have difficulty getting their act together".So that brings me to my next point which is getting your act together. Putting that conversation behind us you can clearly see that my old time friend had a problem(I know no sh!t).And so did his students but for whatever reason it was a cause and effect chain link.

Which then brings me to my second point which is identifying your problem.No matter how difficult it would be under no circumstances is it okay to be in denial.In order for you to work on set problem it is imperative that the underlying problem is identified.Do not be ashamed of your problem, even if it takes some courage to swallow your pride and say what your problem is.


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